Saturday, August 27, 2011

The great outdoors

Camping trip #1
In July we met up with Andrea's family at Devil's Lake for a weekend camping trip.  Crystal and Jeff brought their boat so we all got a chance to get out on the lake.  This was Caleb's first time camping and he did great. Jaden loved sleeping in the tent and his new sleeping bag.

I know this picture is poor quality but the concept of the picture is why I included it

Caleb paddling Papa's raft

Heading out on the lake

Enjoying the beach - Devil's Lake is in Lincoln City on the coast

Camping trip #2
In August our church hosted a weekend camping trip at South Beach in Newport.  We arrived Friday night to a drop in temperature :(  Luckily by mid morning on Saturday it began to warm up and ended up being very nice weather.  Jaden enjoyed playing with all of his friends and sharing all the toys.
The water was actually somewhat warm - unlike his mom Jaden loves to swim in the cold ocean

We did eat a few handfuls of sand

Building a sand castle after playing in the water
Some of the gang, we unfortunately did not get a better picture of everyone

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday

On Tuesday we celebrated Caleb's 1st birthday by enjoying a family dinner of homemade pizza, cupcakes, and opening presents.
Caleb enjoyed opening his gifts and of course Jaden was right there to help if needed

New bike helmet from Aunt Judy and Uncle Eric
Mommy helping to blow out the candle
He enjoyed his cake :)
Family picture, Jaden was thrilled
Compared to 1 year ago:

Luckily Caleb gained weight and I lost weight - wow what a difference a year makes!!
Caleb had his 1 year check up on Friday and he is doing well.  Here are his stats:
Weight: 20.6 lbs - 16%
Height: 29 3/4 inches - 55%

Monday, August 15, 2011

Swim lessons

Both Caleb and Jaden are currently taking swim lessons.  Jaden is now old enough to take level 1 without a parent.  He is a bit timid but still learning and becoming more comfortable in the water each class.
Here he is about to dunk his head 

And here is Caleb

Caleb enjoys splashing in the water, watching mom or dad blow bubbles, and dunk his head.  We are still working on back floats and kicking his legs.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can you believe

That next Tuesday this handsome guy will be 1

Tonight we had spaghetti for dinner and we decided Caleb was old enough to eat it as well.  Here is the result:

 Actually not too bad considering; he did go into the bath right after dinner

Can't wait for his party which I have yet to plan, oops.  Well I know we will have a dinner celebration next Tuesday and possibly a family/friend party in later August after all of our trips are over.