Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Life has been happening and as a result blogging has not. Plus I finally have the energy to blog.

For those of you who read this blog and don't know come August Jaden will be a big brother!! That is right, baby #2 is on the way. We had our 11 week check up today and heard the baby's beautiful heart beat, such a relief to always hear. At our first appointment we were able to see the heart beat via an internal ultra sound. The official due date is August 18th, so sometime in early to mid August we will add another blessing to our family. Now that we have reached the 11th week I am not feeling as nauseated and my energy is coming back. Jacob and Jaden were real troopers during those first few weeks of me pretty much not wanting to do anything but sit on the couch or lay in bed.

Christmas and our trip to Illinois occurred since my last post. Unfortunately I was sick over the holiday and Jacob eventually contracted the illness as well. Jaden had a wonderful time with his grandparents and Aunt Anna, he luckily did not get sick and was able to play all day long with his many toys and books he received. It was so great to have that time with Al, Leanna, and Anna.

So that's our life right now. Here are a few pictures to enjoy:

Can you tell we were not feeling well? HAHAHA.