Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekend away

For President's day weekend my dear friends and I took a trip up to Seattle.  Chrissy and Kevin recently purchased a house and had plenty of room for us all to come up and stay for a couple of nights.  

On Saturday we took a ferry to Bainbridge Island; not a cloud was in sight giving us incredible views of the surrounding mountains

And the city

The clear skies did mean it was incredibly windy and cold!!!

I do not know what I am doing in this picture but you get an idea of how windy it was; Melanie and I could barely stand still

Great group shot
Chrissy, Jenna, me, and Melanie

We walked around downtown Bainbridge looking at all the little shops and enjoying the cuisine at a local coffee shop

We ate very well all weekend thanks to Chrissy and Kevin's gourmet cooking skills.  Friday night it was homemade sushi, yummy!!!

We also enjoyed time talking, watched the Eclipse movie, talking, and more talking. 

I took this trip solo and kept thinking the whole time "Jaden sure would have enjoyed this boat ride, I should buy something for Caleb and Jaden, I hope Caleb is letting Jacob sleep."  Such is the life of a parent.  But it was good to have my first nights of full sleep in 6 plus months.

AND I came home to a room makeover which I will post about soon....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 months

Happy 6 month birthday Caleb

At 6 months Caleb is:
eating bananas
not eating during the night but still waking up multiple times
enjoying his feet
rolls from his stomach to back; very close to rolling from his back to stomach
naps 2 times a day
goes to bed around 7p and not up in the morning tell 7a or 8a
ticklish on his stomach, underarms, and neck
and sweet as can be

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Afternoon at the park

To enjoy our last bit of dry weather Jaden, Caleb, and I headed to the park on Friday afternoon.  Rain was suppose to start again on Saturday (which it did) so even though it was cloudy we spent about 2 hours running around.

Here Jaden is getting a better look at the train's "smoke stack"

Always fun to jump in a puddle

And here was Caleb and I at the park

We probably walked about a mile (the park is very big) while enjoying the plethora of slides, swings, leafs, sticks, and puddles.  Jaden was so worn out he fell asleep on the 15 minute drive home.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy 28th

This past Thursday was Jacob's 28th birthday. We celebrated with a BBQ dinner and ice cream cake at Ashley and Paul's house.

Yummy Cold Stone ice cream cake

Birthday boy

Jaden getting a better look

And helping daddy blow out his candle

The boys bought Jacob a softball bat so that his team will hopefully have more than 1 bat to use. I hope his teammates take good care of it so that it will last longer than 1 season!!