Friday, July 30, 2010

37 weeks

We have reached the 37 week mark of being pregnant.

At the doctor yesterday all looked fine; measuring right on track and baby's heart beat is staying steady.

I have roughly 2 more weeks of work scheduled, my first day of leave is scheduled to begin August 16th. I have been busy getting all of my duties and materials organized so others can take over while I am gone. I am preparing for if the baby comes early but am not getting my hopes up cause really you never know. (remember that Jaden came at 37.5 weeks)

Maybe people should guess if the baby will be a boy or girl? If you feel like it leave a comment, I would love to hear what people think.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fun in the water

Recently we have had the opportunity to play in the water and enjoy our wonderfully warm summer weather. My sister, Crystal, bought a boat recently and generously allowed Jacob, Jaden, and I take it out, along with her, Paul, and Jeff, last Saturday afternoon. We cruised up and down the Willamette River enjoying wake boarding and inner tubing. Crystal, Jeff, and Paul are all pros at wake boarding; Jacob attempted but will have to keep working on his skills. Jaden and I enjoyed a leisurely ride in the inner tube and watching everyone else enjoy the speed of the boat.

Here is a video and picture of Jaden and I:

Aunt Ashley and Uncle Paul gave Jaden a fun ball that sprays water for his birthday. Here he is enjoying it:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Illinois visit summer 2010

Here is a slide show with pictures from our trip to Illinois. We left July 3rd to be able to celebrate our nieces 1st birthday on the 4th and returned on the 9th (very very late). Both ladies are doing great and it was wonderful to spend time with the entire Fifhause family.

We were hosted the entire week by Jacob's brother and his wife in Bloomington Illinois. We had a great time attending a minor league baseball game, taking the kids on rides at a family fun park, visiting Springfield Illinois and the Lincoln memorials, and hanging around Bloomington.

Luckily the temperature while in Illinois was pretty moderate considering it is July and humidity was not too high. That made our activities outside much more enjoyable. And we made it back to Corvallis without having a baby while gone :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Room change

Jaden has made the transition from the nursery to his new room that was previously a guest/office space. We decided to move Jaden out and give him a 'big boy room' instead of moving all of the nursery furniture. This transition began after his 2nd birthday, as a mom I needed to keep him in the nursery tell he was 2 for sentimental reasons :).

As I mentioned above the room that Jaden was moving into included a guest bed but mostly Jacob's computer desk and many office supplies!!! Plus it became the room we would put items in that we did not know where else to put. In other words it was a MESS. So slowly we started cleaning it out, shredding papers, and finding storage locations for those items that had just been put in there. The room was already painted blue and gray so we just touched up a few spots and left that color scheme. Jacob also had stored some of his Chicago Cubs memorabilia in this room so until Jaden has an opinion otherwise the room is decorated with a sports theme with a shelf of Cubs stuff. (And yes, if Jaden wants to eventually get rid of the Cubs theme he will be allowed too!!)

The computer desk was sold and the office supplies have been moved out to our nook in the kitchen area. Eventually we will build a desk in that corner, but until I get both rooms ready that project is on the back burner.

The transition to Jaden's new room is going well but has had a few tough times. Now that I look back completely moving him out of his room may not have been the best idea but too late now. At first Jacob and I were sitting in the room with Jaden until he fell asleep, unfortunately this could take up to an hour or more but seemed to make him feel more comfortable about sleeping in his new room/bed. For a nap one day Jaden was playing in his room (he does not always nap nor does he have to but he has to at least spend some quiet time in there) and eventually was opening the door and coming out. So I decided to put up a baby gate at the door and with in a few minutes he was asleep. It appears that the baby gate offers Jaden some security with his room and has made all the difference. I had been hesitant to use the gate feeling it may be to cruel but in reality it is just what he needed/wanted, who knew. He still has some nights when he has a little trouble going to sleep in the room but Jacob and I check on him routinely and he eventually will go to sleep. His bed is a trundle bed so we have pulled out the bottom bed in case he falls out his fall will not be as far. Mostly though I think he has been staying in the upper bed.

Here is the room:
Rain gutter self for books and a bucket to keep a few toys in

The Cubs shelf

Coat rack made out of blocks that spell JADEN

And lastly:

Sometimes we nap in our bed and sometimes we nap on the floor. Playing can really tire one out!

Thursday, July 1, 2010