Monday, May 31, 2010


Jaden has been taking a waterkids class at our local pool. When he was about 8 months old he partook in the waterbabies series, so this is the next step up. Parents still participate in the class with the kids and continue to work on back floats, blowing bubbles, kicking, and jumping into the water (this is were Jaden excels).

The classes have been on Saturdays and this past Saturday I took pictures while Jacob swam with Jaden. Typically I am the one who swims but this past Saturday I was not feeling well at all and definitely did not want to get into the pool. Thanks Jacob!!!

Speaking of not feeling well it appears I have passed my cold onto Jaden and Jacob :(. Jacob has only been affected by a sore throat (so far) but Jaden is feeling a little more under the weather. Luckily he has been sleeping lots and taking it easy. He has been very cuddly with Jacob and I, sort of a plus side to him being sick, but it is sad to not have his spunky spirit to make us laugh.

So, with a house full of sick people we have just been chilling inside for our Memorial Day weekend. Plus, in good Oregon fashion, it has been raining. Jacob did trim a few bushes outside yesterday and planted flowers in our flower pots.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Jaden

On May 19th Jaden turned 2!! We celebrated on Wednesday by having a steak dinner, opening a few gifts, and going out for frozen yogurt. On Saturday we had a small party for Jaden at Aunt Ashley and Uncle Paul's house. We enjoyed a delicious lunch of Chicago style pizza and birthday cake. Here are pictures from the 2 events:
This was our attempt at getting Jaden to take a picture with his gifts from his aunt, uncle, and cousins. As you can see, we failed :)
The spread
He was a little frightened while we sang Happy Birthday to him, pretty funny

Friday, May 21, 2010


(I know some of you have seen this video on Jacob's Facebook page but when I recorded the video I had this blog post in mind and did not realize he would post it before me. So, you get to see/experience it twice, sorry)

What could this excitement be for?

Oh that is right, the Chicago Cubs!!

(They were playing the Colorado Rockies that evening. He was cheering for the pitcher who is not pictured)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

House Projects

Here are a few pictures of our dining/kitchen/nook area:

(all of the woodwork was brown and the walls were white)


Sunday, May 16, 2010


We have enrolled Jaden in preschool, can you believe it? We love that Jaden has been able to stay at home with Jacob and I but also realize the importance of him socializing with other children his own age and to learn from other wonderful/educated people. Not many programs take 2 year old children but luckily there are a few in Corvallis that do.

We visited the Montessori school in Corvallis because they have a toddler program, unfortunately when we met with them that program was full. They discussed that he may be ready to enter their 3 year old program in the Fall because it is not only based on age but development which varies from child to child. It was great to talk to them but the program is 5 days a week and lets face it, I am not ready for Jaden to go to school 5 days a week :).

Another program that I found is called Sandcastle Preschool. They have a program for children age 2-5 and scheduling allows your child to attend 2, 3, or 5 days a week. Jaden and I were able to visit, Jacob was out of town, and it turns out I know the 2 year old class teacher and assistant teacher. Both of them I know because I went to school with their daughters. The head teacher is a very kind lady and I feel very at ease with her taking care of Jaden, she will be so loving.

Luckily they had 1 opening for the Tuesday/Thursday class, from 9a-11:30a. So, I booked it!!! As Jaden gets older we may increase the days he attends preschool but I think for a 2 year old 2 days is plenty. They have a schedule that includes reading, singing, free time, arts and crafts, and play time (either outdoor or indoor, depending on the weather). The price is reasonable too.

With baby #2 joining our family in August this will give Jacob a little relief from caring for 2 children while I am at work, too. Jacob does a wonderful job but does have to keep an eye on his work obligations while I am gone so with Jaden at preschool this will make it a little easier for him.

Now we just hope Jaden is up for the change come September!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Week 24:
Currently at week 26.

And Jaden will be 2 years old in 5 days:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eugene Half Marathon

Congratulations to Jacob and Ashley for completing the Eugene Half Marathon on May 2nd. This was Ashley's second half marathon and Jacob's first. They finished in just over 2 hours and beat Ashley's time from her previous race. Paul trained along with them but could not participate in the actual run due to work.